Red Hot Phone Chat
#1 Uncensored Sex Chatline ...
Talk With Sexy Women and Men 24/7 ...
Explore Sex Fantasies ...
Meet Sexy Singles Locally Or Nationally
(30 Minute Free Trial Chatline Connection)
(US And Canada Toll Free Member Line - 5 Minute Free Trial)
- Call and record your greeting. Do not reveal personal contact information. Just describe who you are, what you want and what your interests are. There are always hundreds, sometimes thousands, of callers live on Red Hot Phone Chat. Note: Recorded greetings for free trial members only last as long as they are live. Members get a personal message box.
- Listen to the recorded personal and erotic messages of other callers. Hear someone you like? Send a private message or see if they can chat one-one-one, now.
- All conversations are uncensored, unmonitored and private
- There are no paid operators on the Red Hot Phone Chat line. Everyone is 'real'.
- Callers come from all over the U.S. and Canada. You will be able to check for local sexy women and men in your area.
- With membership comes privileges. If you are using our free trial, make sure you explore what it means to be a member.

You can talk with men anytime. But, at Red Hot Phone Chat
You can really explore any man or woman's fantasy, including your own, and be as intimate as you want.
Better yet, you can indulge yourself anytime, even late at night, from your own bed, if you cannot sleep. Men have
NO idea how sexy, erotic chat can turn women on. And, you will never lack for opportunities
to meet new and interesting women and men for dating or just hooking-up. Even when traveling, you can meet new singles in any city. Red Hot Chat is amazing ... and addicting.
Free Trial Offer
We are so sure you are going to LOVE Red Hot Phone Chat that we will make this special offer: Try Our Chatline Free For A Full 30 Minutes. We think once you have tried our sexy, uncensored chatline you will want to keep coming back as a member. All you have to do is call.
(Free 30 Minute Trial Number)
Once you call, you will be connected to our HUGE hub of hot women and men chatting live throughout the US and Canada. Select local options, or flirt with someone across the country.
Once free trial is over, you are welcome to purchase (very cheap) additional time. Note: You MUST be +18 to participate. And, make sure your phone carrier is NOT charging you long distance fees. Most phone services do not. We want you to enjoy our sizzling chatline completely free.
Want More Hot Chatline Options?
With our ever popular toll free number you can get more options you can choose to just pay a small per minute fee for accessing the chatline, messages and so forth.
There are NO connection fees, NO hidden fees for calling. PLUS, you will get access additional uncensored, adult features.
Many members prefer the toll free line with additional features and nominal per minute membership fee.
Sorry, no free trial on the toll free line. Call and press '0' for more information or help at anytime.
We look forward to showing you a VERY good time.
(USA And Canada)
Red Hot Phone Chat
brings you an exciting place to find intimate connections. Our environment provides endless possibilities for
adults 18+ to express and explore sensuality and sexuality. Flirt, hook-up with other singles, date, enjoy endless
sex chat with real women and men through out the USA and Canada. In short, we offer one of the best
places to discreetly explore your every sexual desire and fantasy ... men and women, alike.
Supported by a world class call center, you can always get help simply by pressing '0' at anytime after you call.
And, you are always in control. You only chat with people who interest you. Red Hot Phone Chat is totally confidential
because when you call into our system, your phone number is never revealed to other callers. Keep your identity private until you decide to become more intimate. We also offer incredible, additional adult features like instant messaging, secret prompts to chat privately, adult entertainment features and much more. Call now, discover the new improved world of sexy phone chat and personals.
Red Hot Phone Chat is THE adult chatline phone number to call to hookup with sexy men and women 24 hours a day, 7 days a week through out the U.S. and Canada. It is fast, easy, hot, uncensored and wildly fun. Whatever you want to chat about, that is up to you. Flirt, tease, get nasty, explore fantasies, arrange dates and meet as many hot women or men you want.